Friday, August 7, 2009

Mixed up!

So I get up early this morning to finish Week 2 of mbodystrength. I didnt realize I jumped ahead of myself and did Workout C of Week 4 without even checking which week I was looking at and I'm only barely finishing Week 2 of this program.

Probably it was because I got up at 6:45 am, worrying that I wont get this done in time to get my boys up for school and be out the door by 8:30 just in time for school. I made it though...just in time for the kid's Friday's Flag Ceremony they have every Friday...phew! But I looked like a guy running through traffic at their school today. Kids were already lined up and walking down the was a mad house there this morning! Yikes!

It's been a great 2 weeks. Today's workout wasn't what was slotted for today (my bad), but it was one hell of a wake up metabolic circuit! Dropped 2.5 lbs in just 2 weeks of good nutrition and exercise. Again - you want to lose the fat - First: you got to fix up your nutrition. You'll be amazed of how much that makes a difference from losing fat and getting lean and toned. I'm not after muscle mass right I've said - I just want to keep it lean throughout the summer, enjoy this new found health with my family, enjoy my volleyball and hopefully work on getting muscled out some by the winter.

Today's workout involved use of a 54 lb Kettlebell. Went unilateral with the movements this time, keeping the core braced and really like the load I used today. I modified my push ups with blast strap push ups with feet on a stab ball - NOT EASY by any means. Now try and do 20 reps for 7 full circuits within a 30 minute time frame!!! I also did an ass kicking Tabata with some hip thrusters (a half burpee to describe it a little more). Wasn't able to get in my Tabatas yesterday so I made up for it with today's routine for my intervals.

Was intending to use my dumbells again at 45 lbs...but that 54 lb Kettlebell looked mighty pretty to me this morning. :P

Great workout!

Happy to see a good friend at Turbulence Training who literally rocked it out at the current transformation contest going on over at Craig Ballantyne's Transformation Contest. I'm about 15 years his younger...dont get me wrong - he hardly ever looks his age but seeing his recent after pictures makes me feel 15 years older - than him that is! He did a great job and my hats off to him....Great job, Kerry! You definitely transformed. Hope he makes it as a finalist but even if he doesn't - he should really be proud of himself.

Have a great weekend! Goooooooooooooooooooooooo Joe! ;)



Anna said...

Andy, you're kicking butt as usual with your workouts. You always seem to be doing something different. I've got to check out this current workout you're doing. It seems like it's real bad ass!

I agree 100% with the nutrition. It's the only thing that will hold anyone back from having a truly lean and healthy body.

As always, I enjoy reading your post. But, I do apologize for not being here more often. Life has been crazy lately. I do hope to meet you at the end of this month though. We'll see how it goes.


Andy said...

Hi Anna!!!! apologies needed. I haven't been that good with updating myself with all our other friend's blogs as much as I want to but the fact that I'm still blogging does help with my accountability.

Oh yeah...definitely need to keep changing programs. Can't be doing the same things over and over again.

Who knows...if you come up with a good KB program here shortly..I wouldnt mind doing it.

Actually the guys from Mbodystrength did mention of the RKC cert here in San Diego...these guys have awesome workout programs all for free. There's some big plans in store I understand from the great guys from mbodystrength so look out for it! I know I am! =)

Saw your youtube video too where you were doing the snatches...that's really good form you got there!!!

All the best!
