Monday, October 6, 2008

New Program...same mindset

Great "rest week" last week....

Back to hitting it hard and going heavy again nice and fresh on a Monday...1st gym workout today which is really cool.

Mission: blow the fat, increase the mass. 7 more weeks to go. Not letting up one bit.

On a side note, there's something about starting workouts on a Monday. If it's not out of the way in the morning...I prefer to start fresh on a Monday as well. For some reason, it just sets the tone for the whole week of me ahead.

Some swimming during the late afternoon with the kids was something I enjoyed today as well. Here's hoping for the next Michael Phelps here one day. ;)

1 comment: said...

Ooooo...Love the new blog look!

I like to start on Mondays too. It does set the tone for the week and the mission at hand.

p.s Great side pic - abs are popping big time!