Haven't been really been keeping track of progress pics on my abs since the
TT contest but last week, I've made a commitment to make some sort of weekly accountabilty for myself by posting progress pics on a weekly basis. So far so good. Sorry about the quality of the pic and the yellow colored PJ's (plus I promise to get rid of the hat next week!!!). As a side note, I did this pic this morning thus the pj's...oops! Sorry bout that. Haha. :/
Did I tan up? Not at a tanning salon or anything like that but pretty much from alot of outdoor recreational biking we've been doing together as a family and a few trips to the park with the kids is all...
Back to the pic...is it me or did I lose some fat or muscle mass somewhere in here?! Honestly, I didn't take any measurements from this week and lasts...basically just what I see in the mirror every morning and I'm pretty happy so far with the progress post contest (I guess vanity is a good thing as long as no one's looking). I think the arms have gotten a little smaller I think?? I don't know, but comments are sincerely welcome. So please comment away here. I will take them as constructively as possible...good or bad! Thanks again!
Another nice note...Nice to see some great contestants participating out in the 2nd round of the
TT Transformation Challenge. Nice stories in there and great social support from everyone. There's actually a great guy and friend from Detroit who's re-entering the 2nd Contest and who I've been pretty close with since Day 1 (who I know will be reaching some goals he thought would never be reached sooner than I think. He is one awesome man.), a team vs team brewing up, a wife and husband tandem, a nice lady from the Dominican Republic and another I believe from Egypt...and most of all a brother and little sister connection going on as well! :O
Wish them all the best and hope each one of them reaches their fitness goals. For the record, I won't be joining this one for those who may be wondering. I will however be playing the role of supporter for this one for sure rooting the guys on, giving a few tips that I learned through
TT and getting alot of self motivation you can only get at the
TT Forums!!!! It's not too late to join the contest and get in with the fun...so check it out!
Next week's goals would be to get my nutrtion close to 90% as best I can. May have to do a little fitday here on out for accountability (kind of strayed away from it a little). Won't log it in here but at least on the Fitday site (or in my own little notebook I have at home). It would make it so much easier to go back to review for my own when needed for the sake of accountablity purposes. I've seen alot of friends doing it pretty religiously but I just suck at it. I'll try and change that here on out (crossing fingers).
Wowee! Abs are definitely popping!
Thanks Kali!!!
i'll say, your abs are looking great Andy ! keep it going.
Yes indeed, Donna! Thanks many!
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